Ascension Island Government

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EDF10 Roads Update April 2013

23 April 2013


Hogan’s Bypass Update: Surface Dressing

What is Surface Dressing; Surface Dressing is the application of a “glue” (Bitumen/Tar) and then applying a layer of stone chippings, this process can be repeated several times to achieve individual design requirements.

The process of surface dressing seals the road against water penetration - the root cause of pot holing, improves skid resistance and extends the life of road networks. This method only works on decent sections of road to protect and extend design life, inevitably some roads are just too badly damaged and the process of complete reconstruction has to be adopted – it is envisaged very little surface dressing will be carried out on this project.

Over the last two weeks the EDF10 Roads Team have carried out surface dressing from the junction at Hogan’s Bypass to birdies garage, approximately 1000m of carriageway, this section has received 2 coats of tar and chippings to protect the existing road and also improve the existing thickness of the road.

The section beyond Birdies has received just 1 coat of tar and chippings as we are awaiting further bitumen tar to arrive on the next RMS on the 8th May, the supplier has not been able to accommodate our full order due to existing manufacturing commitments, however, this will be enough to complete Phase 1 & 2 of the EDF10 Project. Upon arrival of this additional tar we will continue from Birdies towards the junction at English Bay and apply a final coat of tar and chippings to the carriageway. We will then carry out the works to the English Bay junction using the same process of surface dressing.

Whilst we await the arrival of the remaining tar, the completed road will be assessed to ensure that the correct embedment depth of the chippings has occurred prior to sweeping and then carrying out the associated line marking. It is important that the road is trafficked to assist with embedding the chippings into the existing road surface, this can only be achieved with good results if vehicles are driving at reduced speeds of 20mph, avoid braking and steering sharply and don’t overtake, this also protects the road in the early stages of the curing process.

It has been noticed on several occasions that some vehicles continue to speed on this section of road; please can I remind all drivers that whilst we are operating on the road, for the safety of the roads team, the safety of yourselves and to protect the newly laid
surface that you stick to 20mph on the loose surface. Persistent speeding will only cause existing traffic management procedures to be reviewed, which may result in closing certain sections of the road.

If you have any concerns regarding the roads project please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards
Ed Haynes
Project Manager (External Discrete Works & Development Funds)
Ascension Island Government
T: +(247) 6572