Ascension Island Government

Structure of the Government

The Ascension Island Government provides services to the public, ensures good governance through upholding the rule of law and supports the Island Council in their advisory role to the Governor. The Government is structured into three directorates; Resources, Operations and Facilities and Conservation and Fisheries.

The St Helena Police Ascension Island Detachment is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of law and order as well as the delivery of immigration services. The Policing Plan for 2019/20 focuses upon working with the community, partners and stakeholders to solve local issues, provide education to improve public safety and to also be creative about providing community projects and activities to keep Ascension one of the safest places to be.

The director of each directorate and the police inspector report directly to the Administrator.

Public appointments are made by the Governor and along with local laws, regulations, rules and orders are published in the St Helena Gazette.